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Uluwatu, Bali

Alila Villas Uluwatu

Elevated Alila Uluwatu Private Pool Villa Luxury with Cliffside Infinity Pool

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An unbeatable clifftop location and endless horizon panoramas await at the five-star Alila Villas Uluwatu, home to a refined collection of private pool villas offering sophisticated interiors and peaceful seclusion. While private pools outside your bedroom door promise effortless relaxation throughout your stay, a sunset swim in the refreshing waters of the celebrated infinity pool is a must. Make your way to Spa Alila for a transcendent experience using ancient Asian healing techniques and fresh, quality ingredients. Surrender to signature spa rituals where indulgent massages, body scrubs and masks using sandalwood and other herbs will leave you feeling rejuvenated and polished. When you’re ready to descend from the heavenly clifftops and sink your toes into golden shores, the beach is accessible via an impressive exclusive stairway which hugs the cliffside.

24/7 Premium concierge service
Our team are available anytime, 24 hours, 7 days a week
+64 8 0084 6182
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